Health is the Answer is committed to serving the community in promoting ongoing healthand wellness education, health related products and health services. Health Is The Answer will advocate for individuals, inspire, support and enhance individual within communities to provide added support through prevention activities and health education such as: The Wellness Journal, healthy walks, self care and influencing a healthy attitude.
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Robin Willis has provided us with a Wellness Journal to organize and document your health information, it is a health record keeper for you and your family as a tool for support and empowerment.
The Wellness Journal was created in thought during my mothers’ long illness with ovarian cancer. Our family needed a place to organize, document and express our emotions during the recovery, healing and discovery journey of our mother. Years later,
I was diagnosed with thyroid disease which further led the journey to begin writing the Wellness Journal. I needed a place to organize, document and report my emotions while on my recovery and healing path. Medical exams, blood tests, and other vital health information are of vital importance and needed to be documented. Whenfaced with a medical challenge the need to be stress free is of a high importance and I found being organized with your medical information can provide a safety net for you and your family.
The Wellness Journal can serve as an active Journal that can assist as a tool to log health information and assist in creating and organizing your life. It is filled with statements of hopes, inspiration and empowering words. The Wellness Journal is a health record keeper and organizer for you and your family.
Contact me to purchase a copy of my book or visit Amazon for the eBook. Click here